I’m So Sick of Being a Woman in a Corporate Environment

Emy Bracco
2 min read2 days ago

It’s the most exhausting fucking thing I’ve ever endured.

A well deserved smoke & drink after a 13 hour work day / photo of author

Horoscope from Co-Star.

Do you know how often my ideas are shot down, only to have been later brought up (by a man), and thought of as genius?

Do you know how often my manager and director have openly humiliated me by cutting me off when I am speaking in a meeting of over 20 of my peers?

Do you know how many times I have been cut off just asking for clarification?

Do you know how many times I’ve been told to shut the fuck up when bringing up an escalation?

Do you know how often I’ve escalated risks to schedule or budget for MONTHS so that someone can hear me and take it seriously, only to fall on deaf ears?

Do you know how much of myself I put into my work?

I’ve rarely said no.

They asked me to manage another GEO, I said fine, I’ll do it.

Gave up all work-life balance working 12–14 hour days

I’m so exhausted I barely have a social life because all I want to do after work is rot and not use my brain.

I am incredibly underpaid compared to the man that sits next to me and does the exact same job I do, but somehow my…



Emy Bracco

Writing poems since before I knew what poetry meant. Maybe, that's why I never kept a single one. Not until my heart broke open did I start keeping my words.