I have the copper IUD, had have given birth before. The pain was uncomfortable at best, so I am so sorry to hear your experience was horrendous. I Dont think people realize the hell birth control can put a woman through. Hormonal or not. I've almost died from hormonal contraception over risks i was not told to by my doctor. I was 15 when I first got on birth control, not old enough to know to ask questions. Young enough to still believe people in authority figures know best. I am happy to say, I am getting my tubes removed next month for sterilization becaahe my copper iud Causes 12 day long periods and at 37 years old, I'm frankly tired of this shit. I'll still have a period, but it will be self regulated. Not extended or more painful or heavier periods due to side effects. I'm stoked. Thank for sharing your story. Birth control is so hard on women and majority of society has no idea!!!!