Hmmmmmm. Oh so when you say “funky” you mean arrogant. I think that depends. Not everyone has been attractive their whole lives. I was definitely a late bloomer in coming into my looks. I was often called ugly and made fun of for my height. I’ve always been soft. Whether I a teenager with a mouth full of braces or was the only dime piece in the bar, my experiences and life lessons programmed me to think I wasn’t attractive in the slightest. Because my perception was attractive people don’t have to deal with this shit. Until I became, “attractive” it was a whole new line of shit I didn’t know how to deal with. Like attention, comments made about my appearance whether in the workplace or by strangers passing by. There’s now been an obsession created in my mind about growing old and losing my attractiveness. I’m 37, never been married. Not even close. Not even once. All the up keep I do, to stay attractive- hair, nails, waxing, Botox appointments, the obsessive-compulsive need to wash my face and use expensive products to slow down the aging process, the constant spending money on clothes— my style ever evolving. To keep up with my age and my looks not to lose the one thing that allows me to SOMETIMES get what I want.
So in a way, I agree with you. I am often thought of something to conquer, not thought of a deep human beings who has depth, believes in love, listens to music instead of watches TV, is an artist and a poet. I don’t want to be a trophy wife. I want to continue to work myself to the bone and make the money I make and show everyone I don’t need a man or anyone to make it in this world. I don’t need hand outs. I don’t need a man to pay the bill for us. I don’t expect things from men other than respect.
But I think that’s one of the qualities that does make me so attractive. I am self made. I have always been independent. Always on my own. An extremely hard worker. I work 12-14 hour days at a world famous tech company and I get shit done. I’m self sufficient. Successful. I don’t use my looks to get what I want— unless it’s someone I really got my eyes on. I approach men more often than they approach me. Is a successful attractive woman intimidating? I don’t mean that collectively, I am asking you that question. Are we intimidating because we “have it all”?