Hi, I'm Emy. Wishing and dreaming of turning my bouquet of experiences into living art. Hoping to glue flower petals to my words to perfume the room that intoxicates you into a collage of love, heartache, dreams, and hope.

I'm just me. Unpublished. Mercurial, in nature. Stripped down. Raw, with an edge. A mind that never shuts off. A thousand lives lived in the body of one woman. A woman who believes in the stars and planets, and the energy and archetypes exuded of those stars and planets the moment you were born. A depth so deep, not even I know its truest, darkest potential...

Or do I?

A natural-born runner. Not the marathon type, no. The leash kid (thanks mom and dad). Always with the ultimate Irish Goodbye. Impeccable with my French Exits. Hitting pavement on the streets as kids. That's what I'll say goodbye to: the last generation to run the streets. Here's to us, kids. Here's to our freedom those after us never got. May we forever reign the cement our converse hit.

Medium member since June 2024
Friend of Medium since August 2024
Emy Bracco

Emy Bracco


Friend of Medium

Writing poems since before I knew what poetry meant. Maybe, that's why I never kept a single one. Not until my heart broke open did I start keeping my words.